St Mary’s CYO Washingtonville

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I am Liz Honan , the director of The Kyle Honan Heart to Heart Foundation.
Kyle , was my oldest son . He passed away from cardiomyopathy . Before his death we were unaware like most parents that sudden cardiac arrest could happen to a young adult . We now know the staggering statistics .
We have started Kyle’s foundation to save as many young lives as possible. We believe education, awareness, AED’s and CPR make ALL the difference. We have made it our mission to protect not just athletes but asthmatics.
Asthmatics are at a higher risk for a cardiac event due to the very medications used to treat their asthma.
St Mary’s CYO is a youth based community center where the children play basketball. Many children and adults come through here.
At present there isn’t an AED on hand. We believe there MUST be one in order to prevent a tragedy.
Anywhere children gather to play sports should have an AED .
Please consider helping us protect these children.

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