Our Mission

To protect children from sudden cardiac death by making it possible, practical and affordable for youth-related facilities to acquire an AED device.

Our Business Model

GotAED brings generous people together with youth facilities in need of AED devices. The process is simple. A facility starts a campaign and shares its story. The campaign price is determined based on unique pricing from our distribution partner, and the place where the AED will be stored (e.g., inside or outside). Once the campaign goal is achieved, GotAED uses the funds to purchase the AED and cabinet. A small portion of the campaign is retained by Simon’s Heart to pay for the management and operation of this site. The AED distributor ships the AED device and cabinet to the facility. Now, you’ve Got AED!

We have gone to great lengths to find the lowest priced AED for you. However, cheap is not our primary concern. We need a distribution partner who can meet the demand we expect from operating this crowdfunding site, and who is brand agnostic because we want to encourage all manufacturers to participate in this venture.

Our Business Model

Our Business Model

GotAED brings generous people together with youth facilities in need of AED devices. The process is simple. A facility starts a campaign and shares its story. The campaign price is determined based on unique pricing from our distribution partner, and the place where the AED will be stored (e.g., inside or outside). Once the campaign goal is achieved, GotAED uses the funds to purchase the AED and cabinet. A small portion of the campaign is retained by Simon’s Heart to pay for the management and operation of this site. The AED distributor ships the AED device and cabinet to the facility. Now, you’ve Got AED!

We have gone to great lengths to find the lowest priced AED for you. However, cheap is not our primary concern. We need a distribution partner who can meet the demand we expect from operating this crowdfunding site, and who is brand agnostic because we want to encourage all manufacturers to participate in this venture.

Our Business Model

Our Business Model

GotAED brings generous people together with youth facilities in need of AED devices. The process is simple. A facility starts a campaign and shares its story. The campaign price is determined based on unique pricing from our distribution partner, and the place where the AED will be stored (e.g., inside or outside). Once the campaign goal is achieved, GotAED uses the funds to purchase the AED and cabinet. A small portion of the campaign is retained by Simon’s Heart to pay for the management and operation of this site. The AED distributor ships the AED device and cabinet to the facility. Now, you’ve Got AED!

Our History

Our non-profit organization, Simon’s Heart, focuses on the conditions that lead to sudden cardiac arrest and death in children. There is no national registry – and sadly, there is not much research being done.

Children leave the hospital as newborns and their hearts are not screened until they are symptomatic or middle-aged adults. That’s no way to treat such a vital and hardworking organ. Would you drive the same car for decades without getting an oil change or a checkup? Definitely not. Yet, many people go their entire life without ever having their heart monitored for problems.

our history