Horsham Pickleball

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Pickleball isn’t just for old folks anymore – it’s one of the most up and coming sports for teens, young adults, and yes, all aged adults too! I’m determined to protect the more than 200 hearts that play with Horsham pickleball. Why? 14 years ago, my daughter Katie attended a Simon’s Heart Screening and was later diagnosed with a heart condition we would never have known if not for the organization. After a simple ablation, Katie is now 24 years old and thriving!
AEDs are the only thing that will save a life in the case of a sudden cardiac arrest. Simon’s heart is dedicated to placing AEDs everywhere possible to save lives. Lives like my daughter. I’m a grateful parent and volunteer for Simon’s heart and I am grateful to the community for finding it in your hearts to donate to support an AED for Horsham Pickleball.

Karen Asper
Nurse, Volunteer and Mom

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