Plymouth Whitemarsh High School

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Hi, I’m Rachel Green and I am a junior at Plymouth Whitemarsh High School. I believe that PW is in need of Automated External Defibrillator equipment. Starting in 2015, PWHS has been undergoing major construction. Larger spaces are being built to hold more students, teachers, and parents at once. The Cafeteria is one of those areas. This modern, new space holds over 500 people and is a central location within the school. With more people in one area, there is a higher risk of emergency. We should have aid in the event of a cardiac event. Time is so important in these situations. I’m proposing that we have an AED device installed and give people the chance to learn how to use it in case of an emergency. Simon’s Fund is such an important organization in our community and many lives have been saved because of it.

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