Datzyk Montessori School AED Campaign

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I am a Datzyk Montessori School parent and classroom liaison. DMS educates and nurtures hundreds of children each year. As parents, our primary concern is the health and safety of our children. The importance of having an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) at DMS cannot be overstated; an AED can increase someone’s survival chances by up to 44 percent. Without an AED the chance of survival decreases by 10 percent for each minute that passes without defibrillation. About 1,700 lives are saved in the United States per year by bystanders using an AED.

We would like to ensure the well-being of our children by obtaining an AED for DMS. We hope that DMS staff will never have to use one but would like to be prepared in the event of a cardiac emergency. The DMS staff, parents, students and community appreciate any help you may offer to the children of our organization.

Note: Donations are tax deductible. We have three months to successfully raise funds under the terms of this crowdfunding campaign. The cost of the AED (with pediatric paids) is $1360.

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